Taller de Inglés – Grammar Slammer!

Ven y participa en actividades rápidas y divertidas para repasar puntos importantes de la gramática inglesa.Oxford House organiza talleres de inglés en los cuales los participantes intervienen en actividades divertidas enfocadas a un aspecto del idioma... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Student of the Month – March 2010

The March 2010 Student of the Month is:Ricardo TéllezRicardo does business classes with Oxford House, both in English and German.His teachers wrote:Ricardo has consistently attended my classes all year. He always has a positive attitude and is very meti... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Noche de intercambio – Language exchange 8 April

The next is Thursday, April 8 at 21.30, at BCN Café, c/Consell de Cent 381.The pub quiz will take place in three languages and focus on knowledge of different cultures. 3€ entrance fee. See you there!---La pròxima serà el dijous, 8 de abril a le... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Boletín informativo – Newsletter April 2010

The is now available online. It includes the new activity calendar, info about official exams and summer English and Spanish courses.---Se ha publicado . Incluye el nuevo calendario de actividades, información de exámenes oficiales de inglés y cursos ... Read More

  • By: Brenda

April – June 2010 Activity Calendar

se ha publicado en la web de Oxford House.ACTIVIDADESEl programa incluye las siguientes actividades:Talleres de inglésClub de conversaciónNoches de intercambio en inglés, catalán y castellanoY una nueva actividad - Si encuentras a otras 4 personas, s... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Noche de intercambio – 25 marzo

The next is Thursday, March 25 at 21.30h, at BCN Café, c/Consell de Cent 381.The pub quiz will take place in three languages and focus on TV series and food. 3€ entrance fee. See you there!--- La pròxima serà el dijous, 25 de març a les... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Cursos intensivos de verano

¿Ya estás pensando en verano?En junio, julio, agosto y septiembre Oxford House ofrecerá las siguientes posibilidades para estudiar inglés y castellano:Cursos económicos de inglés con profesores en prácticas y un horario intensivo; sólo 60 euros/me... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Taller – English at work – 17 o 18 Marzo

Los alumnos trabajarán en grupos, según el sector de su trabajo, y con un profesor mejorarán su uso del inglés en el día a día. Pueden traer emails para corregir, listas de palabras/frases que quieren aprender en inglés, o cualquier otra duda relac... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Organiza tu propio club de inglés

Oxford House te invita a organizar tu propio club de idiomas para comenzar después de Semana Santa!Si encuentras a otras 4 personas, sean alumnos de Oxford House o no, os proporcionaremos un profesor nativo, un foro online, y un aula para hacer un club p... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Feb 2010 – Student of the Month

Congratulations to February's Student of the Month, Concepción Guitierrez!Concepción is a Trinity English student and her teacher, Aboo Aboobaker wrote:"My nomination goes to my student Conchi (a.k.a. Concepción Guitierrez). Conchi has not only turned ... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Noche de intercambio – 4 marzo

The next is Thursday, March 4 at 21.30, at BCN Café, c/Consell de Cent 381.The pub quiz will take place in three languages and focus on music and science. 3€ entrance fee. See you there!---La próxima será el jueves, 4 de marzo a las 21.30h en BCN C... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Winter contest winners

The Course Director has announced the winners of the for young learners! Congratulations to:3-5 years old: Daniela Salvat Suárez6-8 years old: Julia Domingo Liñan9-11 years old: María Falcó Solsona12-14 years old: Clara Cugat Tarridas15-17 years old:... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Taller de pronunciación 17 o 18 febrero

Oxford House organiza talleres de inglés en los cuales los participantes intervienen en actividades divertidas enfocadas a un aspecto del idioma. Los hablantes nativos no te entienden? Ven al taller de pronunciación, practica sonidos difíciles y estudi... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Photos from Feb 4th language exchange

Here are a few photos from the February 4th Language Exchange Night at BCN Café. More than 30 people showed up. A group a Oxford House teachers won, so come on, students, come out to the next language exchange and beat those teachers!!!Next Oxford House ... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Concurso de invierno para niños y jóvenes

Esta semana los niños y jóvenes que hacen clases de inglés en Oxford House entregan sus dibujos, cuentos y poemas (escritos en inglés!) en el concurso de invierno. Echa un vistazo al corcho en recepción y verás todos sus trabajos!... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Noche de intercambio – 4 febrero

The first language exchange night in English, Spanish and Catalan (noche de intercambio de inglés, catalán y castellano) is this Thursday, February 4 at 21.30, at BCN Café, c/Consell de Cent 381. The pub quiz will take place in three languages and focu... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Student Newsletter – January 2010

The January 2010 edition of the Oxford House Student Newsletter is now available.You can view the current or past editions anytime on the .

  • By: Brenda

January – March 2010 activity calendar

The January - March 2010 and information have been published on the Oxford House web site.We've changed the timetable of a few of the activities, according to responses we received in our Activities Survey. Thanks to all the students who completed surve... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Welcome back!

Welcome back students and teachers! We hope everyone had a great holiday break.Classes for adults, teens, children and companies started back up today, and the 2010 Oxford House Community Activities calendar will be posted next week, so keep your eyes ope... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Halloween contest winners

As you can see, many Oxford House students between ages 4 and 17 submitted drawings or stories in the . In the end, the following winners were chosen:6 to 8-year-olds winner: Eduard Cole Rodriguez8 to 12-year-olds winner: Carles Roca Alguacil12 to 15-year... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Conversation Club – 20 Nov 2009

--- Message from Interim Course Director Heather Van Fleet ---Our fantastic conversation this week included celebrities, scandals, and paparazzi. Oh my!Here are the .

  • By: Brenda

Language Exchange – 19 Nov 2009

Thursday, 19 Nov - 21.30hBCN Café, c/ Consejo de Ciento 381Professors, alumnes i amics participen en un concurs de preguntes sobre història i esports mentre practiquen anglès, català i castellà.Profesores, alumnos y amigos participan en un concurso d... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Open Doors Days

18, 19, 21 NovemberEach trimester Oxford House organizes Open Doors Days for kids and teens English classes. On these days, we invite parents to visit their son or daughter's class to see his or her progress and the projects that have been done. During th... Read More

  • By: Brenda

Conversation Club – 6 Nov 2009

--- Message from Interim Course Director Heather Van Fleet ---We had a great conversation about recent medical and crime related newstories. We also shared some funny personal anecdotes related to those topics. In the link you can find the that include v... Read More

  • By: Brenda