Communicative Aims

– Communicate facts, ideas, opinions and explain viewpoints about a chosen topic linked across a series of extended turns
– Maintain coherence and cohesion by organising discourse
– Handle interruptions by using recovery strategies
– Respond to requests for further information, clarifications and explanations
– Take control over an interaction
– Maintain the discourse by asking for information and commenting on the responses obtained
– Help a discussion along by encouraging comment and opinion from the listener
– Take, give up and offer turns when appropriate to do so
– Follow up on comments in order to develop a conversation
– In case of a breakdown in communication, take steps to repair it

Language functions

– Persuading and discouraging

– Expressing feelings and emotions

– Expressing impossibility

– Reporting the conversation of others

– Speculation


– Revision of grammar from Trinity 7

Present perfect continuous tense

Past perfect tense

– Linking expressions, e.g. even though, in spite of, although

– Third conditional

– Cohesive devices, e.g. so to continue, in other words, for example

– Reported speech


– Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above

– Appropriate words and expressions to encourage further participation

– Personal values and ideals

– National environmental concerns

– Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above

– Society and living standards

– Public figures past and present

– Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above

– The world of work

– Unexplained phenomena and events


– The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific to the topic and subject areas

– Rising and falling intonation to indicate giving up and offering turns

– Stress, intonation and pitch relevant to the language functions listed above

– Stress and intonation to indicate emotion