We are delighted to be going through the final stages of our Eaquals accreditation, which will help us provide the best language learning experience possible for our students.

It’s been a long process, but all the hard work the teachers and administration team have put in is already paying off.

All that remains is a brief, three-day inspection – and then we look forward to putting into practice everything we’ve learned. Our aim is to make your experiences at Oxford House as rewarding as possible.

This post will tell you all you need to know about Eaquals and the inspections which are coming up soon.


What is Eaquals?

Eaquals stands for Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services. Beginning 25 years ago, it has become one of the world’s leading educational organisations, and helps make sure that language schools provide the best quality teaching and services to their students.

There are Eaquals accredited schools in over 30 countries and their wide network offers advice about teacher training, course design, management consultancy, and communication. They also offer teachers resources and ideas to help keep their classes interesting, dynamic, and educational.

What’s more, because it is a not-for-profit NGO, all of the money raised by the organisation goes back into developing the language industry, which will benefit you in the future too!


What are the benefits of being an Eaquals member?

Because the Eaquals accreditation procedures are so rigorous, becoming a member is not easy. However, as we are a big school, with thousands of students in hundreds of different classes, this thorough process will really help us to make sure every one of our classes meets your expectations.

We pride ourselves on having the best teachers and administration team in Barcelona. Being Eaquals accredited will make sure that every member of staff is focused on working together to improve your language level, and that you have a positive learning experience.

In addition, these final inspections will demonstrate that all our courses meet the highest international standards. Whether you’re studying to pass a Cambridge exam, or your child goes to one of our young learner classes after school, this gives you the peace of mind that what you sign up for will be constructive, enjoyable, and of excellent value.

Finally, once we are a part of this worldwide network of schools, we will be able to bounce ideas off other language schools at their yearly conference, and learn how other academies have been successful in other countries.


What are the inspections, and how will they affect my class?

On the 27th, 28th, and 29th of November, Eaquals will be sending two inspectors to Oxford House to finalise this accreditation process. During this time you may notice them sitting at the back of your class making notes about the teachers and classroom.

But fear not! This is not to test your language level in any way, and they won’t interact with what’s going on, it is only to observe the teachers, their resources, and how they deliver their lesson.

Outside of the classroom they may ask your opinions about the school, the staff, and the services on offer for you or your children who study there. This is a great opportunity to tell them the reasons you adore your favourite teacher, or share your experiences and ideas about how you think Oxford House could improve to help your individual needs.

After these three days, if all goes well, we’ll be proud to call ourselves an Eaquals accredited school – and we look forward to sharing our experiences and what we’ve learned with you.

Thank you for all your support this month during these inspections!

If you would like to find out more about Eaquals, and the work they do, visit their website or, if you have any more questions about the inspections and your classes, speak to your teacher, the reception team, or send us an email on info@oxfordhousebcn.com.

Glossary for Language Learners


Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Accreditation (n): giving a company an official certificate or award.

To pay off (pv): to have good results.

Coming up (pv): happening soon.

Stands for (pv): the meaning of an abbreviation.

Not-for-profit NGO (n): a charity organisation which uses their profits to develop the company.

Rigorous (adj): extremely strict and careful process.

Thorough (adj): very detailed (similar to rigorous).

Peace of mind (exp): when you are not worried about a situation.

To bounce ideas off (exp): to share and talk about different ideas.

Fear not! (exp): don’t worry!.

Adore (v): to love.

Pride ourselves (v + obj): to be really proud of something we have done.


n = noun

pv = phrasal verb

adj = adjective

exp = expression

v = verb

v+obj = verb+object

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